Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay

Guillaume Vincent


Directeur de Recherche CNRS, HDR

ICMMO - équipe Méthodologie Synthèse et Molécules Thérapeutiques

 Orcid (0000-0003-3162-1320)  researchgate  publons (/a/1591169/)@GVincentUPSUD

   +33 1 69 15 75 48

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Our research group studies the chemistry of the indole nucleus. We aim to develop original strategies towards dearomatizations of indoles in order to obtain biologically relevant three dimensional scaffolds and to achieve the total synthesis of indoline-containing natural products.


March 2023: Congratulation to Audrey, Maxime, Aurélien and Rémi for their publication reporting the collective total synthesis of the mavacuran alkaloids in Angewandte Chemie.

January 2023: We welcome Aurore Kanon as a new Master 2 student

December 2022: Congratulation to Audrey for her succesfull PhD defense.

October 2022: We welcome Elisa Coll as a new PhD student

August 2022: Congratulation to Wei for her publication reporting the total synthesis of ophiorrhine A in Angewandte Chemie.

October 2021: We welcome Antoine Lefevre and Guillaume Schoenn as new PhD students