Emilie Lesur
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Synthesis of trehalose-based chemical tools for the study of the mycobacterial membrane. E. Lesur, P. Rollando, D. Guianvarc′h, Y. Bourdreux, Comptes Rendus. Chimie, 2023, online
Synthesis of chemical tools to label the mycomembrane of corynebacteria using a modified Iron (III) chloride-mediated protection of trehalose. M. Carlier, E. Lesur, A. Baron, A. Lemétais, K. Guitot, L. Roupnel, C. Dietrich, G. Doisneau, D. Urban, N. Bayan, J.-M. Beau, D. Guianvarc′h, B. Vauzeilles, Y. Bourdreux, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2022, 20, 1974-1981
Etudier la membrane des mycobactéries via une approche chémobiologique. E. Lesur, Y. Bourdreux, L'Actualité Chimique, 2021, 465, 63-64, https://new.societechimiquedefrance.fr/numero/fiche-n-87-etudier-la-membrane-des-mycobacteries-via-une-approche-chemobiologique-p63-n465/
First access to a mycolic acid-based bioorthogonal reporter for the study of the mycomembrane and mycoloyltransferases in Corynebacteria. E. Lesur, A. Baron, C. Dietrich, M. Buchotte, G. Doisneau, D. Urban, J.-M. Beau, N. Bayan, B. Vauzeilles, D. Guianvarc′h, Y. Bourdreux, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 13074-13077