1. Collaborations bilatérales
- iPL / Sydney University, Sydney, Australie; Programmes PAI FAST, PHC FASIC
- J. Canning, K. Cook
- Key laboratory in silicate material / Wuhan Technology University, Chine; Programme PAI PRA
- Q. Liu, X. Zhao
- Optical Research Center / University of Southampton, Royaume-Uni; Programme PAI Alliance
- P. Kazansky
- MQ Photonics Research Centre / Macquarie University, Australie
- A. Fuerbach, M. Withford
- COPL / Université Laval, Canada
- M. Bernier
- Fibre Photonics group / National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
- S. Mihailov
- Department of Material Chemistry / Kyoto University, Japon
- Y. Shimotsuma
- Institute of Applied Physics / Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Allemagne
- F. Zimmermann, S. Nolte
- Leibniz-IPHT,/ Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Allemagne
- Martin Becker, Manfred Rothhardt
- DISAT -Dipartimento Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia / Polito Turino, Turin, Italie
- D. Janner, M. Ferrari
2. Autres collaborations
Réseau européen IRSES e-FLAG (coordinateur Matthieu Lancry)
The concept of e-FLAG is to collect the best researchers on the topic of the interaction of femtosecond laser with glasses for discussion and exchanges. Main objective is to train students and young researchers on one of the most promising new research field which is the 3D local shaping of linear and non linear optical properties in silica-based glasses; the knowledge of the expert being shared with the novices. The consortium is made up of 5 organizations chosen for their complementary skills and competences, necessary to carry out the foreseen project activities. Each partner cover a part of the subject, that is necessary to collect for achieving an overall understanding of the processes and applications potentialities.
- University Paris Sud, Bertrand Poumellec and Matthieu Lancry
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Stefan Nolte
- University of Sydney, John Canning
- Optoelectronics Research Centre, Peter Kazansky
- Macquarie University, Mick Withford