Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay

Chimie Inorganique



Marie Sircoglou — Metal-ligand cooperativity in catalysis: some keys to understanding


Zakaria Halime — Chimie de Coordination Macrocyclique pour la Thérapie et la Catalyse


Laure Catala Coordination networks nanoparticles : Bistability, desgined nano-objects and other perspectives



Ongoing PhD theses

Aristide Colin — Modulation of the properties of molecular magnets by light and electrochemistry for applications in quantum information

PhD advisor : Talal Mallah ; Co-advisors : Shin-Ichi Ohkoshi (Université de Tokyo), Nathalie Bridonneau (Started in october 2021)

Haroon Rashid — Polymeric porphyrin based materials for the activation and reduction of CO2

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo ; Co-advisor : Winfried Leibl (CEA) (Started in december 2021)

Adrien Smith — Activation and reduction of CO2 by molecular complexes based on metallo-porphyrins

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo ; Co-advisor : Zakaria Halime (Started in september 2021)

Idris Tlemsani — Magnetic coordination complexes for quantum information

PhD advisor : Talal Mallah (Started in october 2021)

Gregory Balthazar — Effect of size reduction of Prussian Blue analogs particles on their photoswitching properties

PhD advisor : Anne Bleuzen ;  Co-advisor : Giulia Fornasieri (Started in october 2020)

Abdoul-Nasser Moussa-Bamba — Towards the total synthesis of carbon nanotubes

PhD advisor : Vincent Huc (Started in october 2020)

Eva Pugliese — Photoinduced reduction of CO2 and mechanistic study

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo ; Co-advisor : Zakaria Halime (Started in october 2020)

Thomas Blin — Nanoalloys for the in growth control of the structure of carbon nanotubes

PhD advisor : Vincent Huc ; Co-advisor : Annick Loiseau (ONERA, Palaiseau) (Started in november 2019)

Sophie Gadan — Photoswitchable metallic complexes and chiroptic photoswitches

PhD advisor : Pei Yu ; Co-advisor : Anne Léaustic (Started in october 2019)



Defended PhD theses


Arthur Tauzin — Monolayers of switchable coordination compounds

PhD advisor : Marie-Laure Boillot

Chanjuan Zhang —Heteregeneous CO₂ electroreduction by macrocyclic molecular catalysts

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo ; Co-advisor : Zakaria Halime


Adama N'Diaye XMCD at the K-edge of transition metals and Prussian Blue Analogs : a new approach for the understanding of the signals

PhD advisor : Anne Bleuzen ;  Co-advisor : Amélie Bordage

Nicolo Baggi —Terarylene-based molecular switches : towards tunable photocyclization quantum yield and dual photo- and redox-responsive behavior

PhD advisor : Yu Pei ; Co-advisor : Anne Léaustic

Amanda RobinsonNew non-heme iron complexes for bioinspired oxidation catalysis : influence of the first  or second coordination sphere on the activation of O2 and H2O2

PhD advisor : Frédéric Banse ; Co-advisor : Jean-Noël Rebilly

Asma KhadhraouiDevelopment of new molecular catalysts for CO2 reduction

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo ; Co-advisor : Zakaria Halime

Adelais TrapaliSynthesis and characterization of new porphyrin-based derivatives for CO₂ et de l'O2 reduction

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo ; Co-advisor : Coutsolelos Thanassis (Univ. de Crète)

Riya GeorgeUltra-small theranostic nanoparticles and their controlled assemblies

PhD advisor : Laure Catala


Laura Altenschmidt— Assemblies of magnetic nanoparticles for the development of materials with new properties

PhD advisor : Anne Bleuzen ;  Co-advisor : Giulia Fornasieri

Axel Labattut — Catalysts based on organomettalic complexes on calixarenes

PhD advisor : Vincent Huc

Elvin Salerno — Synthetic and Spectroscopic Investigations of Ligand Field Effects in Molecular Lanthanide Ion Complexes

PhD advisor : Talal Mallah ; Co-advisor : Vincent Pecoraro (Univ. of Michigan)


Mai Linh Trinh— Switchable coordination nanoparticles

PhD advisor : Laure Catala ; Co-advisor : Talal Mallah

Yiting Wang — Syntheses, crystal structure and characterizations of mono- and polynuclear Ni- and Co-based molecular magnets

PhD advisor : Talal Mallah

Nhat Tam Vo — Complexe de fer(III) semi-hémique bioinspiré pour les réactions chimiques et photochimiques de transfert d'atome d'oxygène

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo ; Co-advisor : Marie Sircoglou

Philipp Gotico — Stratégies bio-inspirées pour la réduction catalytique et la valorisation du dioxyde de carbone

PhD advisor : Winfried Leibl  (CEA) ; Co-advisor : Ally Aukauloo

Youngju Ro Molecular complexes for artificial photosynthesis

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo

Luqiong Zhang — Magnetic molecular-based materials assembled on metallic substrates: X-ray absoprtion spectroscopy and ligand field multiplet calculations

PhD advisor : Talal Mallah ; Co-advisor : Philippe Sainctavit (IMPMC)


Antoine Bohn — Electrochemical approach of the reductive activation of O2 by iron based molecular complexes

PhD advisor : Frédéric Banse ; Co-advisor : Katell Sénéchal-David

Lucile Fétiveau — Coordination network nanoparticles for theranostic applications

PhD advisor : Laure Catala

Benjamin Cahier — A theoretical study of the magnetic anisotropy in transition metal complexes : The cases of mono- and binuclear Ni(II) and Co(II) complexes

PhD advisor : Talal Mallah ; Co-advisor : Nathalie Guihéry (LCPQ, Toulouse)

Alice Castan — Growth and characterization of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes from chemically synthesized catalyst precursors

PhD advisor : Vincent Huc ; Co-advisor : Annick Loiseau (LEM, Palaiseau)


Marie Clément — Calixarenes for the radiolytic synthesis of metallic nanoparticles

PhD advisor : Isabelle Lampre (LCP, Orsay) ; Co-advisor : Cyril Martini

Clémence Ducloiset — Study of complexes for reactions by oxygen or nitrogen atom transfer : From synthesis to photoactivation

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo ; Co-advisor : Marie Sircoglou

Fatima El-Khatib — Synthesis, characterization and magnetic study to Co (II) and Ni (II) complexes with cryptand type ligands

PhD advisors : Talal Mallah and Zeinab Saad (Univ. Libanaise, Beyrouth) ; Co-advisor : Hala Hafez (Univ. Libanaise, Beyrouth)

Stéphanie Mendes-Marinho — Characterization of the charge transfer mechanism in photocatalytic molecules, towards the energy production by artificial photosynthesis

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo

Feng Shao — Engineering magnetic anisotropy in mononuclear Cobalt(II) complexes and lanthanide-based metallacrowns

PhD advisor : Talal Mallah ; Co-advisor : Victoria Campbell


Robinson Moulin — Mesoporous silica matrices for developping multifunctional nanomaterials

PhD advisor : Anne Bleuzen


Charlotte Buron — Development of novel oxidation bioinspired catalysts : non heme iron(II) complexes grafted on gold electrode or β-lactoglobuline

PhD advisor : Frédéric Banse ; Co-advisor : Katell Sénéchal-David

Jérôme Laisney — Influence of the environment on the switching properties of spin transition micro- and nano- particles

PhD advisor : Marie-Laure Boillot

Gabriella Paul — Coordination networks nanoparticles as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging

PhD advisor : Laure Catala

Virgile Trannoy — Toward the Elaboration of Recordable Magnetic Track : From Molecule to Material

PhD advisor : Anne Bleuzen

Georges Zakhia — Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of single molecule magnets

PhD advisor : Talal Mallah ; Co-advisor : Daoud Naoufal (Univ. Libanaise, Beyrouth)


Baptiste Boutonnet Towards the total synthesis of Zig-Zag Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes with well-defined diameters

PhD advisor : Vincent Huc

Luong Lam Nguyen — Nanoparticles of molecular photoswitches based on spin-crossover Fe(II) complexes with photoisomerizable ligands

PhD advisor : Marie-Laure Boillot


Stéphanie Cherdo — From cage complexes to nanoparticles, new catalysts for hydrogen production

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo

Nada Dia — Photomagnetic and contrast agent Coordination nanoparticles

PhD advisors : Talal Mallah and Zeinad Saab (Univ. Libanaise, Beyrouth) ; Co-advisor : Laure Catala

Juliette Guérin — Synthesis and study of Salen-based photochromic diarylethene ligands : Understanding of the metal-photochrome interaction for optical switching

PhD advisor : Pei Yu

Julien Lejeune — Switching properties of CoFe Prussian blue analogues : towards a control of the position in term of energy of the stable and metastable states

PhD advisor : Anne Bleuzen

Yousuf Raza — Spin crossover nanoparticles of Fe(pyrazyne)[Pt(CN)4] : Role of the environment on thermal stability

PhD advisor : Talal Mallah ; Co-advisor : Laure Catala

Sujitraj Sheth — Synthesis and characterization of catalysts for photo-oxidation of water

PhD advisor : Ally Aukauloo ; Co-advisor : Winfried Leibl (CEA, Saclay)

Nathalie Segaud — Study of dioxygen activation by an iron(II) complex and new heterodinuclear complexes : contributions for the development of bioinspired oxydation catalysts

PhD advisor : Frédéric Banse ; Co-advisor : Katell Sénéchal-David



Last update on August 1st 2023